Early this morning we were reading our devotions for the day and low and behold what a story.
First my coffee cup, that incidentally was in the dish washer and we did not want to make any noised as Ms. Gayle (my Wife) had gotten up earlier
and went to the front bedroom to sleep due to some pain issues. (very unselfish I might add)
Well enough said; we went to the pantry, and got a cup that we do not normally use and it had an inscription on it that said "Friends are the family that you choose,"
interesting huh.
Next we get back to the reading and the heading "Preserve relationships."
Here we go ok God what life lesson do have for me today.
The scripture was from Genesis 12 about Abram and his nephew Lot. The Herdsmen were arguing about the pasture land.
Abram said to Lot lets not quarrel about pastureland for our herds, so Abram let Lot choose.
What does this say about Mortgages, nothing; however there are choices out there make the right one. Mr. Will from Jacksonville
And yes the Quote for the day from Forbes was
“Only the bold get to the top.”
— Publilius Syrus
Now how does that play into the above?